The Nomination Committee comprises a majority of independent Non-Executive Directors who have no personal financial interest in the matters to be decided, other than as a shareholder (where applicable). The Committee is chaired by Ken Bradley. Its other members are Marcia Bakker, Nigel Keen and Stephanie Coxon. The Board considers that the work and composition of the Nomination Committee complies with the requirements of the Code. At any time that the Nomination Committee recommends a director for appointment, it only makes such recommendation after undertaking a formal, rigorous and transparent process.
Nomination Committee at work: recommending directors for appointment
When considering directors for appointment, the Nomination Committee looks to candidates who the Directors believe will help to steer the Company into the next phase of achievement. In doing so, the focus is on finding candidates who exhibit the experience and skillset which complement the Board’s existing diversity of skills and experience taking great care to ensure they have skills and experience that are highly relevant to the Company’s operations, purpose, strategy and values. When assessing Board composition or identifying suitable candidates for appointment or re-election to the Board, the Board’s Nomination Committee considers candidates on merit against objective criteria having due regard to the benefits of diversity and the needs of the Board.
The Nomination Committee is responsible for reviewing the capabilities, talents, diversity and development strategy at the most senior levels of the business and overseeing the development of a diverse pipeline for succession.
Download the Nomination Committee Terms of Reference
Board Diversity
PPHE is committed to a merit-based system for both its Board composition as well as talent recruitment for the Group in order to promote a diverse and inclusive culture which encompasses multiple perspectives. The Board maintains a diversity policy, which is considered for all Board and senior management appointments and succession plans. Furthermore, the Board Diversity Policy is reviewed annually by the full Board.
Our Board at all times consists of talented and committed individuals whose business experience, geography, age, gender, and ethnicity are varied. Diversity at all levels, including at the strategic and oversight level, is key to ensuring the Company is not at risk of group think and monotone decision-making.
Any search firm engaged to assist the Nomination Committee in identifying candidates for appointment to the Board is also specifically directed to include diverse candidates generally and the Nomination Committee endeavours to engage search firms who have signed up to the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Executive Search Firms.
See our Board Diversity Policy for more information
Annual Board Assessment
The Nomination Committee annually assesses the expertise, experience, skills and backgrounds of the current Directors, including the extent to which the current composition of the Board is appropriately diverse.
The Board has a breadth of experience relevant to the Company, and the Directors believe that any changes to the Board's composition can be managed without undue disruption (with the support of the work of the Nomination Committee as set out above).